Top 8 Marketing Strategies for Financial Advisors

You should keep in mind that creating a solid marketing strategy is essential if you’re an aspiring financial professional because the financial adviser market is currently highly regarded.

The following list of 8 financial adviser marketing techniques aims to highlight your career aspirations in product promotion.

Why Do Insurance Financial Advisors need to Rethink their Marketing Strategies?

Insurance financial advisors must improve their outbound marketing tactics in 2023 for a multitude of reasons. First, there are more and more organizations competing for clients’ attention in the financial sector, which is growing more and more competitive. In order to avoid relying only on inbound leads, advisors must be more proactive in contacting new clients.

Second, there is a shift in customer behavior, with more consumers performing research and making purchases online. This means that while advisors may have a robust online presence and be able to reach out to potential customers through digital marketing platforms, all that effort is worthless until you contact those leads with an outstanding outreach approach.

Third, it is now more challenging for advisors to personally meet with customers because of the significant shift brought on by the epidemic and the acceleration of the trend towards offshore work and digital communications. By enabling them to reach clients wherever they are, advisers can overcome this difficulty by strengthening their outbound marketing campaigns.

Insurance financial advisors can raise their profile, connect with more potential clients, and eventually expand their business in 2023 and beyond by improving their outbound marketing efforts.

How Financial Advisors Grow their Business?

1. Hire a Sales team or Consultant.

Hiring a sales team or consultant can be a highly effective marketing strategy for financial advisors looking to grow their businesses. Sales professionals bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the table, allowing you to identify potential clients, build relationships, and close more deals. By working with a sales team or consultant, you can also track and measure your sales performance, ensuring you’re meeting your business goals.

Sales professionals can bring a fresh perspective to your business, helping you identify areas where you can improve your sales processes. They can also provide valuable insights into your target market, helping you refine your marketing efforts and better understand the needs of your potential clients. Additionally, working with a sales team or consultant can free up your time and allow you to focus on what you do best – providing exceptional financial advice and services to your clients.

2. Marketing Funnels + Automation = Next-Level Marketing

Marketing funnels and automation are a powerful combination for financial advisors looking to grow their businesses. By creating targeted campaigns that guide potential clients through the sales process, financial advisors can increase their conversion rates and improve their return on investment (ROI). With marketing automation tools, financial advisors can streamline their marketing efforts, save time, and focus on providing valuable services to their clients.

A marketing funnel typically consists of several stages, from awareness to conversion. By creating content and messaging that speaks to potential clients at each stage of the funnel, financial advisors can build relationships and trust. Marketing automation tools can then be used to deliver these messages at the right time, via email or social media, for example. By nurturing potential clients through the funnel, financial advisors can increase the chances of them becoming paying clients. With the right combination of marketing funnels and automation, financial advisors can take their marketing efforts to the next level, attracting more clients and growing their business.

3. Cultivate Referral with SMS Marketing

Cultivating referrals from existing clients is an important marketing strategy for financial advisors. One effective way to do this is through SMS marketing. By sending personalized text messages, you can encourage your clients to refer their friends and family to you, helping you grow your business. SMS marketing is a quick and easy way to stay in touch with your clients and keep them informed about your services. You can send reminders of upcoming appointments, offer financial planning tips, or send updates on changes in the market. By keeping your clients engaged, you can increase the likelihood that they will refer you to others.

SMS marketing also allows you to reach your clients directly without being lost in their inbox or spam folder. Text messages have a much higher open rate than email, making them a more effective way to communicate. You can also personalize your messages, making them more engaging and relevant to each individual client. Overall, SMS marketing can be a highly effective way to cultivate referrals and build strong relationships with your clients. By staying top-of-mind and providing value to your clients, you can encourage them to refer you to others and help you grow your business.

4. Establish an Effective Sales Conversion Approach

An effective sales conversion approach is crucial for financial advisors to grow their businesses. It involves understanding the unique needs and concerns of each client, building trust, and providing solutions to their financial problems. By having a clear sales approach, financial advisors can improve their conversion rates and close more deals.

To establish an effective sales conversion approach, financial advisors need to start by identifying their ideal client. This involves understanding the demographics, interests, and pain points of their target audience. From there, they can develop a clear message that speaks directly to their client’s needs and concerns. Financial advisors also need to focus on building strong relationships with their clients through consistent communication and excellent customer service. By providing personalized solutions and adding value to their clients’ lives, financial advisors can establish themselves as trusted advisors and grow their businesses through referrals and word-of-mouth.

5. Coordinating Inbound and Outbound Marketing for the Greatest ROI

Coordinating inbound and outbound marketing efforts is a crucial strategy for financial advisors looking to maximize their return on investment (ROI). Inbound marketing involves creating content that attracts potential clients to your website or social media channels. This can include blog posts, videos, and social media updates that offer valuable financial advice or insights. By offering relevant and valuable content, financial advisors can build trust and credibility with potential clients, ultimately driving more traffic and leading to their business.

Outbound marketing, on the other hand, involves reaching out to potential clients directly through channels such as email marketing, direct mail, or cold calling. While outbound marketing can be more challenging, it can also be highly effective when done correctly. Coordinating inbound and outbound marketing efforts can help financial advisors reach potential clients through multiple channels, increasing the chances of conversion.

For example, if a potential client visits your website after reading a blog post, you can then follow up with an email campaign or design an SMS sequence, or set up SMS ChatBot that offers additional information or a consultation.

6. Prioritize Email for Communication

Email marketing is an essential strategy for financial advisors looking to expand their client base and keep existing clients engaged. By creating targeted email campaigns, financial advisors can communicate their services to potential clients, nurture leads, and build relationships with current clients. Email marketing allows advisors to deliver valuable content, such as financial planning tips or investment insights, directly to their client’s inboxes. This helps to position advisors as knowledgeable experts and builds trust with clients.

Email marketing also allows financial advisors to stay top of mind with potential clients. By sending regular emails, advisors can remind potential clients about their services and encourage them to take action.

For example, advisors can send a newsletter highlighting their services or a promotional email offering a free consultation. Email marketing also allows advisors to track their campaign performance, such as open rates and click-through rates, enabling them to optimize their campaigns for better results.

7. Leverage Omnichannel Marketing Automation

Omnichannel marketing automation is a highly effective marketing strategy for financial advisors. It involves using automation tools to deliver a seamless, personalized experience across multiple channels, such as email, SMS, social media, and website. By leveraging omnichannel marketing automation, financial advisors can deliver targeted messages to potential and existing clients at the right time and on the right channel, increasing their chances of converting leads into clients.

For example, omnichannel marketing automation can be used to send personalized emails to potential clients who have expressed interest in your services. If a potential client doesn’t respond to your email, you can use SMS marketing to follow up with a personalized message. You can also use social media to promote your services and engage with potential clients and website retargeting to display ads to potential clients who have visited your website but haven’t taken any action. By automating these processes, you can save time and improve your conversion rates, ultimately growing your business.

8. Adopt a Marketing Automation Tool

FlowUp is a comprehensive marketing tool that can help financial advisors grow their businesses by streamlining and optimizing their marketing efforts.

Here are some ways in which FlowUp can help financial advisors as a marketing tool:

Targeted Marketing

With FlowUp, financial advisors can create targeted marketing campaigns that are tailored to the specific needs and interests of their target audience. This can help financial advisors reach potential clients who are more likely to be interested in their services, increasing their chances of conversion.

Marketing Automation

FlowUp’s marketing automation features can help financial advisors save time and improve their efficiency by automating repetitive marketing tasks, such as sending follow-up emails or scheduling voicemails or press-1 surveys. This can help financial advisors focus on other aspects of their business, such as providing high-quality financial advice to their clients.

ROI Tracking

FlowUp can help financial advisors track the ROI of their marketing campaigns, allowing them to measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions about their future marketing strategy. This can help financial advisors optimize their marketing campaigns and maximize their ROI.

Multi-Channel Marketing

FlowUp supports multi-channel marketing, allowing financial advisors to reach potential clients through a variety of channels, including email, voicemail or broadcasts, and SMS. This can help financial advisors expand their reach and connect with potential clients where they are most likely to engage with their marketing efforts.


Marketing is an essential part of growing a successful financial advisor business. It’s important for financial advisors to track their results and adjust their strategy as needed to ensure continued success. By analyzing their marketing efforts, financial advisors can identify what’s working and what’s not and make changes accordingly. With a clear strategy and consistent effort, financial advisors can grow their businesses and achieve their goals.

Looking to Gear up your business? – Try FlowUp. Connect with our experts that are helping many Insurance Financial advisors in setting up their marketing strategies and implementing the right fit automated follow-up system with their expertise and experience. Talk to Us or Schedule a Quick Demo Now.