How Workflow Automation can beat up Delayed Response time?

Anyone with a wealth of experience in the marketing world knows the significance of time. This also applies to converting your engagements into sales. As soon as a lead engages with a marketing campaign you have put up, the clock starts to tick. The longer it takes for you to respond, the slimmer your chances of converting that inbound lead.

It takes the average B2B company 42 hours to respond to leads when they engage their campaigns. And you wonder why your marketing campaigns are not yielding the expected results. The problem isn’t the marketing campaign, it’s your delayed response time.

Responding to leads early increases your chances of converting those leads into sales. it also reduces the losses incurred on fruitless campaigns.

So, what to do?

In every organization, what you need is a foolproof inbound lead workflow that allows you to follow up on appropriate content. Each stage of your inbound lead workflow should be coupled with detailed reporting. Your response time when a lead or prospective customer reacts to any of your marketing campaigns should be less than 5 minutes.

This is where FlowUp comes in. FlowUp is perfect for increasing efficiency in your response time. It does this primarily by providing you with autoresponders that work when you are not available.

What is an Inbound Lead Workflow?

An inbound lead workflow is a strategy implemented to set up your marketing team with the aid of your marketing automation software, CRM, and your sales engagement platform. It refers to the procedure laid down to help take automated action on leads from your campaigns on time.

When dealing with leads from marketing campaigns, you should focus on these four key areas;

A. Well-defined lifecycle stages:

Create a series of well-spelled-out lead lifecycle stages. You also need clear definitions of status with each funnel stage.

B. Automated Workflow:

Workflows that sources and actions lead take when entering marketing funnels. You should also take note of how to prioritize and score each lead.

C. Efficient lead routings and follow-up procedure:

Building an efficient lead routing and follow-up process for sales are crucial. You should define the kind of actions that need to be taken to allow the owner to achieve the Service Level Agreement (SLA)

D. Lead Segmentation:

Here, you need to identify what kinds of lead to segment out of the funnel and what kind you need to pay more attention to. You should also define what channels and flow will be best to use for the nurturing of the right leads.

How to Boost Your Response Time with Automated Inbound Workflow?

1. Automate Ongoing Response Tasks

If you genuinely want to speed up customer service, automation is necessary. Otherwise, it won’t happen. It is nearly difficult for someone to react to every client query around-the-clock, which could significantly lengthen the response time. There are numerous touchpoints involved in resolving new inquiries and support issues, such as allocating priority, changing the status of questions, starting follow-ups, alerting clients, etc. The automation of these processes allows for significant time savings that can be put toward tackling difficult problems.

2. For A Quicker Response, Use A Conversational SMS-Bot

When you receive a high amount of inquiries, SMS Bot performs best. Reduce response times and boost customer satisfaction by predefining answers for frequently asked questions. The consumer will finally benefit from a speedy resolution of their difficulties by having their talks directed to the appropriate department. By employing prefabricated responses, you may better organize the dialogue by classifying and labeling it.

3. Utilize an Omnichannel Approach

With the aid of omnichannel marketing software, you may use various channels simultaneously to assess the urgency of incoming inquiries, classifying leads and consumers to particular departments. Prioritizing client inquiries and their problems with the use of omnichannel help desk software is important because every inbound query and customer has their own importance and is different. As a result, you are providing a seamless customer experience by letting customers use their preferred touchpoints and being available to reach them whenever they need you.

Benefits of Inbound Workflow Automation to Upraise the Response Time

1. Effective Lead Segmentation and Qualification

Leads are not all inquiries, event participants, whitepaper signups, or website traffic. They can be rivals, consultants, or tire kickers. They might be people who are curious and even make decisions. In other instances, they are precisely the people you have been attempting to reach. Knowing which leads are hot and which ones are not helping you sort the wheat from the chaff with the use of marketing automation.

You can use marketing automation to match your target buyer profile with the appropriate demographics. The data from your inbound marketing campaigns can also be used to identify the behaviors that have the highest conversion rates. Marketing automation transforms inbound marketing into a lead conversion machine with effective lead segmentation.

2. Effective Lead Nurturing for Better Conversion Rate

Throughout the buying process, consumers interact with a variety of content. And that’s just taking into account one company prospect. There may be 7, 9, and possibly 20 or more people involved in the buying process in sophisticated business sales cycles. Each has a distinct stage. If you start to do the arithmetic, you’ll rapidly see how much content each prospect needs.

The stages of the buyer journey that your customers are in, the content they may require next, the content that will help them persuade a skeptic decision maker, and the best way to move them on to the next step of their own individual journeys are all made easier by marketing automation.

3. Effective Targeted Conversion

Inbound leads and conversations are great ways to attract prospects based on their interest in the category or solution you sell. But at some point, you need them to convert. And nothing works better at conversion than targeted offers.

Workflow automation can help you segment the target audience and help you pitch them the conversation that you actually want to do which can be different for the different customers that vary from each other. You can segment them into different lead segments and can apply a target communication strategy with an omnichannel approach with target messages you want to pass them on.

Ready to Boost Your Response Time and Conversion Rate?

There is no end to what you can do to increase lead conversion and client satisfaction. You’ll be well on your way to having an effective customer response time and lead conversion that will both result in satisfied customers and also shorten response times for everyone else in the company if you use SMS-Bots, inbound workflow automation, and AI-powered Omnichannel communications. Try FlowUp now to Automate your Inbound Workflow and Get ready to Boost your Inbound Response Time.