Top 5 Strategies to Energize your Debt Collection Campaigns

Whether you’re a sales rookie or an experienced debt collector, it’s hard to deny the debt collection process continues to dramatically change as technology advances our ability to know more about individual debtors. Prospects need to be increasingly contacted with personalized, engaging communications when reaching them with reminders about the due payment — a “one … Read more

How to set up Drip Campaign in FlowUp?

Using completely automated direct to voicemail and text message drip programs, you can increase your online and offline lead conversions. All of your marketing and advertising efforts, whether online or offline, are intended to generate three key inquiries: Calls – The most important and high-intent leads Email – The largest amount of leads with the … Read more

Top 5 Marketing channels that work the most for Automated Follow-ups

Marketing channels are venues that you can use to communicate information about your brand, product, or service to your target audience. Using these channels allows you to assist your consumers with any problems or challenges they may have while also positioning your company to achieve your marketing objectives. However, not all marketing platforms are suitable … Read more

Top 5 Customer Engagement Strategies that build a strong brand

It’s one thing to create a cohesive brand with marketing materials and communications that fit your brand’s look and feel. It’s another beast altogether to have these communications not only reach but engage, potential consumers. Marketing communications are never successful with a “one size fits all” approach. Read on to discover five essential strategies for … Read more

Streamline your Insurance Sales Funnel with Automated Lead Follow-ups

Insurance is a highly competitive industry, and agents work hard to earn every customer. Every lead counts, and it’s important to carefully nurture each one efficiently and relevantly. Agents should be following a strategic sales funnel to maximize conversions. Keep reading to learn more about the sales funnel for insurance agents and how to follow … Read more

FlowUp Product Update – August 2021

Here are the new updates we are adding in FlowUp, for better customer experience and streamlined productivity. Let’s take a look: Testing of Strategy in Edit or Preview Mode: Earlier the platform has a small limitation where the users were not able to send the Test Message or Voicemail or Call when the strategy is … Read more

Why Follow-ups are Important in Sales?

Do you remember the instance where you have closed the sale on 1st interaction, back to back in multiple cases? I am sure, almost none. Sales are something that you need to get done in most of the deals. It is an activity where you need to trace the customer and made him realize the … Read more

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How Drip Campaigns can be a game-changer for Real Estate Lead Generation?

If you’re in real estate, you know how important it is to work smarter, not harder. There is a lot on your plate. From running around town for viewings to marketing your listings and communicating with buyers, sellers, and prospects, real estate agents have a long list of time-consuming responsibilities. Not to mention how challenging … Read more

Energize Your Business with Revenue Making Lead Nurturing Strategies

Lead generation and nurturing are more than just buzzwords. Your business needs to generate leads if you want to survive and thrive in today’s world. Finding those leads and getting them to the point where they want to buy doesn’t typically happen in a day. It takes time, and that’s why you need to know … Read more

Why Recruiters Should Be Using Omnichannel Communication?

Recruiting the right talent for the right role is never easy. Not only do you have to post jobs and find, screen, and interview qualified candidates who are the perfect fit for your open positions, but you also have to make yourself stand out from the crowd, juggle multiple tasks, and actively engage candidates. It’s … Read more